Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Evangelical Crackup

A kind reader of this blog sent me a wonderful article from the New York Times Magazine on the political "crackup" of the Evangelical Christian voting bloc. It seems that more and more of them are realizing that Christianity and the Republican Party are not synonymous. There is hope for the future!

After the 2004 election, evangelical Christians looked like one of the most powerful and cohesive voting blocs in America. Three years later their leadership is split along generational and theological lines. How did it all come apart? The article is quite long, but well worth it. Read the whole thing here.


Anonymous said...

You're about as new to cyberspace as I am (10 years or more), but I'm glad to find your blog. I'll be reading it often. I'm a 60-year-old Vatican II Catholic committed to social justice and the sacramental life of the Church. If you want to find out more about me, go to That's my blog. You might want to re-think the hat in your picture.

Mike said...

I disagree with anonymous. The hat is cool.

Couldn't read the WHOLE thing, but what I did read sounds promising.

Anonymous said...

Fr. Charles Ledderer, The Dakotas, USA you are impersonating a Catholic priest. Your identity is fictitious. There are people on here that are believing you. I am asking you not to trick people anymore.