Thursday, November 15, 2007


In an op-ed piece in the Los Angeles Times Jason Berry (author/co-author of several book on the clergy sex-abuse scandal) asks the pertinent question Is the Church Really This Blind? What has him so questioning is the election of Francis Cardinal George to the presidency of the United Sates Bishops' Conference. Evidence would suggest, Berry writes, that the Cardinal has apparently not learned his lesson from the scandal. His election calls into question whether the Bishops as a whole have learned anything.

Others have also raised the same question, among them IronKnee, a recent commenter on this blog.

I can't help but think that if the Bishops truly wanted to make a statement that it is no longer "business as usual" they could have chosen a leader completely untainted by the scandal.


Mike said...

That is a bold and moral stand.
Hats off to you.
Oh, and nice hat ;-).

Anonymous said...

Fr. Charles Ledderer, The Dakotas, USA you are impersonating a Catholic priest. Your identity is fictitious. There are people on here that are believing you. I am asking you not to trick people anymore.

Fr. Charles Ledderer said...

Glad you like the hat!