Friday, October 19, 2007

Bad news!

My heart has been cut to the quick. My despair knows no bounds. Life is no longer worth living. I have been BANNED from the Caveman's Lair! Lord take home NOW! I can't bear the pain.

Vir Speluncae Catholicus said...


A priest friend of mine checked a publication called "The Kennedy something-or-other" that lists every single priest in the United Staes.
Guess what? These isn't a "Fr. Charles Ledderer" listed.

That makes you a deceptive liar. As I've stated before, you're just a fraud.... and now the whole world knows it.

Know that I will not allow you to use this blog as a soapbox for you to sprew forth your garage.

All further comments from you will be deleted without even so much as being read.

You're nothing more than a miserable wretch who masqurades behind the Roman Collar of a Catholic priest. *shaking head in disgust*

Wow. I wonder what "garage" I was spewing forth? Not quite sure how I'd even go about that. Garages tend to be really big!

As to identity perhaps the Caveman could have considered the possibility that I am a priest but writing pseudonymously. Dealing with such a hateful lot I'd fear for my safety if I posted under my real name. After all, the Cavemen does brags a lot about guns and such. And in fairness, I can't find his real name anywhere either.

BTW Cavey, it is called the Kennedy Directory.


Terry Nelson said...

You really have made a big splash! LOL!

What is it that causes people to mistrust you?

Fr. Charles Ledderer said...

Because I tell them the truth!

Adoro said...

I do find it fascinating that you are taking such a beating.

After all, I write under a pseudonym. Granted, I'm not claiming to be a priest or a nun, but there's a great number of people who don't blog under their real names.

Safety is one of the reasons, the freedom to express oneself without having to carry the debate into the office, etc., that's another.

But those of us who "hide" behind a name aren't normally attacked for doing so; people seem to accept that we are what and who we say we are unless our words/actions say differently.

I think that if you had entered the scene and just spoke of the readings of the day, etc., they wouldn't know who you are. But your grand entrance and "attack" upon their pet ideology has caused you to be a target.

For myself, I don't think all trads fall into that extreme yet non-SSPX category, although there are a few. I think caveman is SSPX? Most of the people I know who identify themselves as "trad" are people just like me who are simply more comfortable with that style of worship and know a lot of people who are likewise.

I lean that direction myself, but as I've never attended a Tridentine liturgy, well, my opinion is reserved, and as there is not one close to me, I have only time to attend the Novus Ordo for now. And in the parishes I attend (work, school, home), they are done reverently, they are valid, and anytime we can visit Heaven...well, send me!


Now, for a little honesty of my own...I can't accept at face value that you are really a priest, because we must all be discerning about what we read and your ID can't be verified. That said, I enjoy your blog, am reading with interest, just as I would anyone else, and if you weren't a priest, I'd still be reading. But I did also wonder if your chosen name is a pseudonym. Nothing wrong with that.

Just wondering...does the Kennedy Directory include religious priests as opposed to just diocesan?

Kasia said...

Ahem. As I'm sure the author is aware if he is indeed a priest, it is actually the Kenedy Directory. One "n". I point it out only because he corrected the Catholic Caveman on the name and on other typographical errors.

That said, I'll happily check out the blog... :-)

God bless!

Anonymous said...

Curiouser and curiouser.

Fr. Charles Ledderer said...


Thanks for the correction. I never really paid attention to the spelling. I just assumed that it was spelled like the famous Massachusetts political family. My bad!

paramedicgirl said...

Adoro, Cavey is NOT SSPX, even though he has been accused of it by a few people who just like to assume that all trads go to the SSPX.

Kevin Whiteman said...

As I've already stated, you're a deceptive liar. you're just a fraud.... and now the whole world knows it.

You hide behind your alias claiming violence to be visited upon you, but the whole while, so you can take pot-shots at men such as Abp Ranjith. C'mon, Chuckie, be a man. Get those comments you made about Abp Ranjith and print them out, then have them published in your diocesan newspaper.

But of course, that'll never happen. You being the gutless punk that you are.

There are a number of priests who blog and proudly display their identities... but you won't. Not only does that make you a liar and a fraud, that makes you a coward. And the great thing about all this, Chuckie... we both know it's true.

How's that for a dose of the truth?

Fr. Charles Ledderer said...


Thanks for the comments and for the honesty. I appreciate them. Incidentally, I LOVE the Adoro te Devote (although I have to admit I don't know the Latin version, only the English).

The Kenedy Directory lists all Catholic priests, retired and active, religious and secular, Latin-rite and Eastern-rite, in the United States.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I work for the Church and I would say spelling the name of "P.J. Kenedy and Sons" could be something of as litmus test.

But I'm also something of a compulsive speller, so maybe that is what is being tested.

Adoro said...

Paramedicgirl, thanks for clearing that up. That's why I had the "?" as I wasn't sure if it was rumor or not.

Father ~ I learned the song by the Latin version, although I have a favorite English translation. And clearly, I love it, too! :-)

Anonymous said...

Fr. Charles Ledderer, The Dakotas, USA you are impersonating a Catholic priest. Your identity is fictitious. There are people on here that are believing you. I am asking you not to trick people anymore.