Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Raison d'Être

Despite the rather harshly worded title and subtitle of this blog I do not believe myself to be a heretic. In fact, I consider myself a faithful son of Holy Mother Church. I have just become so disillusioned with the poisonous and hate-filled blogs of so-called "Catholics" which seem to dominate the Catholic presence on the web. (Perhaps it might be better to say that they drown out the authentic Catholic voice.) Realizing the relative dearth of sensible Catholic blogs I decided to throw my hat into the ring.

I do want to draw attention to the hatred of so many on the right. I do not think it proper that these "traditionalists," or whatever else they want to call themselves, should be able to slander, accuse, calumniate, and otherwise vilify every single Catholic - from the Holy Father on down - who do not see perfectly eye to eye with them on each and every issue. Such a mindset very often leads trad to turn on trad, anathematizing each other for not being "orthodox" or "traditional" enough. The end result is that those most far out there (the infamous Br. Dimond and his "Holy Family Monastery" springs immediately to mind) end up being a magisterium unto themselves. (Can anyone say Luther?)

If I overstate something, feel free to call me to task (as some already have) and I will glad reevaluate the post to see if what I wrote is really what I meant. And I am more than happy to entertain your disagreements with my point of view. Let's just do it with Christian charity. Please.


Anonymous said...

If I overstate something, feel free to call me to task (as some already have) and I will glad reevaluate the post to see if what I wrote is really what I meant.

Maybe I'm too quick to jump, but I will be glad to take you up on this.

Realizing the relative dearth of sensible Catholic blogs I decided to throw my hat into the ring.

What do you define as sensible? Unsensable? There are plenty of conservative blogs (i.e. The Cafeteria is Closed) and liberal blogs (i.e. dotCommonweal) that make a reasonable attempt to be "sensible" even though not every reader is going to agree.

I do want to draw attention to the hatred of so many on the right. I do not think it proper that these "traditionalists," or whatever else they want to call themselves, should be able to slander, accuse, calumniate, and otherwise vilify every single Catholic - from the Holy Father on down - who do not see perfectly eye to eye with them on each and every issue.

Again, plenty of very traditional and conservative Catholic blogs do not do this. You paint with a very broad brush. I'd venture to say that most conservative Catholic blogs written by those still in the Church do not spew the "hatred" you claim. The schismatics are quite a different story.

Such a mindset very often leads trad to turn on trad, anathematizing each other for not being "orthodox" or "traditional" enough.

Traditional is one issue, orthodox is quite another. How traditional one is is a matter of opinion. Orthodoxy has no judgment call; if the Church has definitively said something, we are not free to dissent from it and consider ourselves Catholics in good standing. Plenty of things have not been defined, and so a multitude of beliefs can be held (like just how literal Genesis 1 and 2 are), while others simply aren't up for discussion (like that contraceptives are intrinsically evil or that women can't be ordained or that Mary is the Mother of God).

If you "fail" someone's perceived view of 'traditionalism' so be it. If you fail on a point of orthodoxy (so far as it's been defined), that makes you a heretic. I try to be very careful to be critical only of the latter, not of the former; sometimes I'm good at it, sometimes I'm not. Whether other conservative Catholic blog posters and readers choose to be discerning about it is not something I can control.

I have just become so disillusioned with the poisonous and hate-filled blogs of so-called "Catholics" which seem to dominate the Catholic presence on the web.

Please be very careful to not become the thing that you despise the most. Calling a group of Catholics the "lunatic fringe" when that group may very well include Catholics in good standing with the Church is certainly not charitable. And throwing around the term "Pharisees" has become in some circles the religion thread equivalent of "Godwining" the thread. (Look up "Godwin's Law" on Google if you haven't heard of it)

I do not believe myself to be a heretic. In fact, I consider myself a faithful son of Holy Mother Church.

Funny you would mention Luther later in the post. If you've seen the movie by the same name, that's virtually the same as what he says when he receives his summons to recant.

Please just be careful. You said you're fairly new to this. I've seen ugly things spouted on both sides on a number of different blogs and forums (and have at times been the one to spout them). More often than not, it seems the worst arguments I get into are with people further right than me. I just don't want to see someone else get caught up too deep in it.

Anonymous said...

Father, I find that the left is more culpable in terms of defaming the Church, its leaders, and more seriously, its teachings. Does the name Sister Chittester ring a bell? Tom

Unknown said...

Father Ledder:

Welcome to St Blog's Parish. (http://stblogsparish.com/blogs/bloglist.php )

Like all parishes, it has all kinds of people.

You state: "I have just become so disillusioned with the poisonous and hate-filled blogs of so-called "Catholics" which seem to dominate the Catholic presence on the web."

Perhaps one of the reasons that you find so many radtrad and "hateful" Catholics on the web is that they find so many hateful and disobedient people in their "brick and mortar" parishes in the real world.

Now I happen to think that kneeling for the receipt of Holy Communion when all else are standing is somewhat pharasiacal. But the other day I watched an elderly priest refuse Communion to someone who wanted to kneel for reception. There were only two of us at that Mass.

I find that priests who experiment with the language and rubrics of the GIRM are similarly chock full of pride and showing off to the folks how independent and entertaining they can be.

I live in a diocese that has three of the most dissident "progressive" parishes in the country. I acknowledge that few would be better than them at carrying out the Church's "peace and justice" ministry. But that's about the only thing that they accept of the Church.

As Isaac Asimov once said to a convention of science fiction writers and fans "95% of science fiction is b--- s---!" He paused and went on "95% of everything is b--- s---!"

There are a lot of wonderful Catholic Blogs. Look at those on the St Blogs Parish web page. Visit my web page for blogs from the Upper Midwest listed on my sidebar. Some of our locals discuss baseball and NASCAR on their very orthodox Catholic blogs.

And humor is not unknown, led by a Catholic theologian known as The Ironic Catholic.

Two that come to mind list nothing but devotions. Some are homeschooling blogs. Some have poetry and photography.

When you find a good blog, look at who they have linked to on their side bars. Invariably they will be worth looking at at least a few times.

Stay away from the trashy tabloid Catholic blogs. There are plenty of them.

Nobody can read every blog. Over a couple of years, I have "collected" many blog sites, but I visit maybe 20 or 25 regularly. And I regularly prune my visits.

And I probably read more than most as my blog concentrates on "news."

Again, Father, welcome to St Blogs! Have a great time, learn something, and teach us something.

Anonymous said...

You are not 100% incorrect that there is pharisaical abuse of the concept of heresy on the blogs.
Rome unwittingly is causing the confusion you see on the internet and elsewhere around the issue of heresy and calling people "heretics"....by not clarifying in the parishes through homilies on the matter of the difference between the infallible and the theologically certain...the latter of which is hypothetically capable of change.
One must obey the dictum on birth control not because Rome says it is infallible (it never said that)but because Lumen Gentium 25 requires religious submission of mind and will in the theologically certain moral dictums of the Popes.
One can only be a heretic if one dissents from an infallible position according to Canon 752...watch the compound of words..."divine...faith" at the end: Can. 751 Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith

One has to believe with divine faith..the Assumption because it is clearly infallible (canon749-3)...not possibly infallible in some peoples' opinions but not others... like birth control.

That compound "divine...faith" is why no Pope in the last 39 years ever accused Fr. Karl Rahner and Fr. Bernard Haring of heresy for dissenting publically no less on the birth control issue. Yet a substantial number of internet Catholics think that that issue is equivalent to the Immaculate Conception or the Assumption.
The issue is not infallible to a substantial number of theologians and apparently Bishops during those 39 years....and that seems to disqualify it under Canon 749-3 which reads:§3. No doctrine is understood as defined infallibly unless this is manifestly evident. Add to that the forgotten fact that Humanae Vitae was presented at its press conference as non infallible twice stated by Monseignor Lambruschini who taught theology for years in Rome Universities.

That is why in 2002 after the death of Karl Rahner and at a conference at the Lateran whose topic was Rahner, the second in command at the CDF, Archbishop Amato made the remark to John Allen that Rahner was an orthodox theologian...that being said by the person who is number 2 and still is at the doctrinal congregation in the Vatican.
On the internet however, the areas of the infallible and that which is simply theologically certain but not infallible are both conflated and used as the object of heresy....and Canon Law and the example of the Popes do no such thing but they don't clarify this area sufficiently even in Catholic education which I had for 16 years and it did not clarify this area.

Ergo...you are going to see this confusion on the heresy issue repeatedly. How could converts know this area with clarity if cradles rarely know the differences in this area.

Fr. Charles Ledderer said...

Thank you all for your comments. I take them to heart. I don't want to be uncharitable. It is easy to paint with a broad brush; I count on others to tell me when I do so.

There is definitely lunacy on the left as well and I had meant to mention that in my original post but it slipped my mind. Extremism of any kind causes trouble. Although I remember years ago in the magazine Catholic Answers Fr. Stravinskas (hardly a liberal!) remarking that the most venomous mail he received was from people on the right. But both sides can be guilty of a lack of charity.

That's why I subscribe to the old saying "in media virtus." Much wisdom there!

Anonymous said...

"Dedicated to exposing those on the far-right of Catholicism for what they are - self-righteous, hypocritical Pharisees."

you read the desert fathers much? :-)

If it there was a blog entitled "dedicated to exposing the far left of C ....", would that not appear to be a prime candidate for exposure in your blog?

Have you thought of saying "to exposing hypocrisy and self-righteous Phariseism?"

Anonymous said...

I mis-quoted your sub-title in my comment.

Fr. Charles Ledderer said...

I believe far left is nutty as well. But I think there are more than enough people out there dedicated to exposing them!

Anonymous said...

Fr. Charles Ledderer, The Dakotas, USA you are impersonating a Catholic priest. Your identity is fictitious. There are people on here that are believing you. I am asking you not to trick people anymore.

Anonymous said...

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